We love pyjamas and we also love a little history so we delved deeper into how the pyjama got started and developed over time. Read on to learn about the history of the pyjama.

Pyjama sets have been around for hundreds of years. Early accounts of the pyjama date back to the 1600s. They were popular among both men and women in India, Iran, Pakistan and Bangladesh. They were typically loose fitting cotton pants tied at the waist and paired with a belted jacket.
In the late 1800s, Europeans adopted the styles from India and the drawstring waist and jackets became popular among mostly men as loungewear. During this time, pyjamas were seen as a luxury comfort item. Nightdresses were still very popular among the masses.
Interestingly enough, the Zeppelin bombings of WW1 popularized the modern pyjama as we know it today. The common bed shirt or night dress was transformed into a two piece pyjama set that was convenient and could be worn outside the bedroom. Pockets were added to store one's belongings to make a quick retreat. They were called 'Sleep Suits' for the night raids.
In the last half of the previous century the pyjama was designed for both formal and informal wear so they could wear them outside of the home and as evening dress. Thus, the boundaries of the pyjama became even more blurred.
During the last pandemic with the rise of “work from home” many of us spent our days in our pyjamas and we embraced the ability to dress more comfortably.
Our matching sets provide you with the best of both worlds, luxurious comfort without compromising style (or pockets).
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